Prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet….

Just a brief post today…lately I’ve noticed I’ve collected quite a bit of ‘faces’ in my various sketchbooks….This could be due to the fact that I’ve also started watching “The United States of Tara” on Netflix which in a way, reminds me of that line from TS Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” many different ‘faces’ do we each put on throughout the day?

My dad used to say that the mark of a mature person is that though there will be slight variations of a person, based on whom they are interacting with, where they are (workplace, party, at home, etc)–ultimately. there will be an underlying consistency to the person as a whole….

So, with that somewhat weighty thought, I leave you with these sketches…(NB: this is the ‘female’ version of faces…the guys version will appear sometimes next week)

PS Coffee also features into TS Eliot’s poem…prolly another reason I love that poem

Do Some Good!

Hey all!

So this week has already been rather crazy ( & good) so far–and it’s only Tuesday! The weather has warmed up to be nice enough for a run outside. And, speaking of running, a friend of mine & I have entered the GOOD New Year Challenge. This all started over the summer, when she & I met up with Mark from Good Gym–they’re an awesome organization in London that combines 2 of my favourite things: running & volunteering. We’ve been trying to bring it ‘stateside’ by working with Mark & Ivo (the Co-founders), so the chance to get funding from “GOOD” would be spectacular!

As you can see, I did the visuals while the wordsmith Amy struggled to describe our mission in less than 300 words (a LOT harder than you may think)…So do us a favour by tweeting, facebooking and voting for our idea–pretty please?

Also of note, tonight is my 1st French Graphic Novel Class, and, as long as I don’t have to say much, I should be fine…

Update: 1st class was a success! It’s not too large, the teacher is quite amiable & everyone seems quite interesting–no single frenchmen however 🙂 Though I sat next to a british lady who suggested a new way to eat a Jaffa cake…


I must admit it: I am not organized…Oh, I used to have dreams of being so, and the thought of a brand new empty fil-o-fax filled me with excitement! But that was many years ago…(ie when I was college). I also (incorrectly) assumed that becoming organized went along with growing up–like that free toaster they used to give out whenever you opened a new bank account. However, as I discovered–at college, during my first couple of jobs, and now as a freelancer–the two things don’t come as a matched set.  Then I began to think that my disorganization was a result of my being ‘a creative person'(I have so many different projects in my head, how could I possibly be bothered to keep my desk tidy)–until I started meeting/discovering stellar creatives (yes I just used the word, stellar) who made martha stewart herself look a tad ‘scatterbrained.’

I therefore have begun to take giant er baby steps towards ‘getting it together’ and, amazingly have made some progress: I use google calendar for instance, stick important documents onto my fridge (instead of previously in piles) and even JUST purchased an iphone, so I can get ‘on the go’ reminders & work related emails…but there are still ‘hold outs’ in my ‘war on disorganization’; mainly when it comes to my desk (definitely does not look like this) and random tasks that somehow pile up (like my dirty laundry actually) until I feel like my head is spinning!

In fact, the other night, I actually began to feel a bit nauseous, so I decided I had to make a list: it was high time…but of course, I couldn’t just make any ole list—I wanted to make it a pretty list. Did I just hear you laugh? Believe it or not, my very first creative director designed both her to do lists and her grocery lists, saying: “it makes the tasks & shopping trips more fun–plus you get to see people eyeing your cart trying to figure out what sacred map you’re using to navigate the store.”

So even though I am still light years away from being remotely organized, sometimes I manage to and, very briefly, feel a little more ‘grown up’…til the next day at least. Oh well, you’ve got to start somewhere!

How do you keep up with your tasks? And would someone come over and help me organize…er find my desk? I know it’s somewhere!

Also, I’m in the process of ‘opening’ my etsy shop–consider it a ‘soft opening’ right now since there’s only 1 item up there, but more soooonnnnn (if I get organized that is…oops)

The 12 days of yoga: Day 13

The holiday season is one of ‘bounty’ so I figured I’d make it a ‘baker’s dozen’ & give y’all one final pose for the 12 Days of Yoga! Besides, no yoga class is complete without Shivasana. Once again I would like to thank the kind & generous Tara Stiles at Strala Yoga for her help–be sure to buy her new book Yoga Cures which comes out Spring of 2012 (or her 1st book, Slim, Calm, Sexy Yoga)

Remember,  I will be turning these into posters and a 2012 Calendar (1 pose per month and maybe a new one thrown in for fun). If you would be interested in purchasing one, please send me an email at so I can get an idea of how many to make. They would be desk sized, so not too large, and hopefully cost about $15–20. 

***Please remember to use common sense & only do these if you feel comfortable and/or are a regular practitioner of yoga–if you have any doubts about any of these, ask a yoga teacher to help you!

On the 13th day of yoga, my teacher gave to me….

How to: Lie on the floor, oblivious to the presents that need wrapping, the kitchen disaster that needs cleaning, the arguing relatives… and just breathe.

Benefits: Shavasana deeply relaxes the body & the mind….zzzzzzzzzzz…..

Happy Holidays everyone!!

Missed a day? Catch up in the gallery below:

A few of my…

Sorry to be so MIA last week…twas a bit under the weather (and therefore missed the Brooklyn Comics Fest–boo 🙁 But all better now (and I guess, at least I fell ill before Christmas). Aside from the rather unpleasant surprise of getting sick, last week did hold some nice surprises, which reminded me that good things can happen (big or little) when we least expect them…

But enough of this sentimental..erm…stuff…Hope everyone had a good weekend–I’m progressing very nicely on a new illustration series, which will start in a week (hint, hint), but until then, head over to my tumblr where I’ll be posting doodles that I haven’t completely ‘cleaned up’ in photoshop along with other odds & ends.






Also, if you haven’t seen my hundreds (ok, maybe more like 10) tweets/retweets about it yet, in addition to their new blog, Graphic Medicine also now has a twitter account. With both Comic Nurse & Thom Ferrier at the helm, they’re sure to have some quite brilliant stuff going on over there, so go ahead and follow them!

Today, I’ve drawn you some of my favourite things from my cheery neighborhood coffee (& tea) shop.  Enjoy!