Election night drawings…

Swirlies SmallWhilst most people were glued to their computers, tv’s or smartphones awaiting the election results, my roommate & I were huddled around a friend’s space heater in our apartment–sans heat AND internet.

This turned out to be pretty ‘good’ for me, as I was able to work on a drawing for an acquaintance who is having to move back to Seattle, I’m liking how this is turning out and also the direction my ‘swirlies’ are going. Now I just have to figure out a way to get down to the studio, so I can scan this baby in & print it out before she leaves…

Noah's Ark

Stay tuned…..


Sailing small

PS A grand merci to everyone who sent me texts, tweets, fb messages & emails regarding Sandy.


Happy Halloween y'all

Unless, you’ve been living under a rock, you prolly know of 2 major events:


1.) Halloween!!!!

Pumpkins! Sexy costumes! Candy Corn! What could be better? For the 1st time in ages I went to a Halloween (or in this case, pre-halloween) party,  chock full of interesting people: writers, physicists, professional photographers, and french people. Our hostess provided us with an amazing spread of cheeses, bread, wine, and….

tools for pumpkin carving!!! I brought my own pumpkin (smaller is cuter), and after grabbing a good knife & refusing to share, I got to work carving out my ‘masterpiece’. Now, I have carved a pumpkin in nigh on 18 years, and everyone was uber enthusiastic–including my buddy who’d won last year’s contest–so I had some competition. I decided to stick to my strengths and, eschewing the usual ‘face route’, proceeded to carve my usual trademark:


Pumpkin Carving

2.) Hurricane Sandy

Thankfully everyone is okay–a bit of a wild ride, though, as my mom was visiting me and I live on the borderline of zone A & B. My uncle graciously took my mom in to his apartment in midtown manhattan, whilst my roommie & I ‘fled’…er…relocated to Brooklyn, where I was already scheduled to cat sit for my friend. While we never lost power down here, there was definitely major flooding up in my neighborhood, as well as that explosion at the ConEd plant a few blocks away. Not sure when I’ll get back home, so til then, I’m hanging out in another one of my favourite coffee shops–here are some sketches:Huzzah! bannement

Sandy Sketches at Glass Shop

A grand merci to everyone who’s checked in or sent well wishes. If you’d like to donate to the red cross, here ya go.

Just another day in Alphabet City….

As you might have guessed by now, I spend a lot of time in coffee shops–so much so that I get to know the people who own them and work in them–they are some of the most interesting and best people I’ve met, to be sure. One of the things I love about coffee shops is the culture they create–there are the ‘regulars (of which I am one), the employees, and then the ‘guests’–the random people who wander in just for a one time visit or so. Sometimes I feel as though I’m an anthropologist merely observing what goes on–which can range from the mundane to the bizarre at times.

This comic here, is the result of one of those bizarre days–it’s based on an actual event and shows why my neighborhood is awesomely odd. To my chagrin, I must admit this has taken me months to finish–drawing it didn’t take that long, but I made some technical decisions, such as drawing (& therefore scanning), all the speech bubbles & text separately, so it was a major pain to layer it all in photoshop.

However, without further ado, here it is. Enjoy & ‘ciao for now’


Prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet….

Just a brief post today…lately I’ve noticed I’ve collected quite a bit of ‘faces’ in my various sketchbooks….This could be due to the fact that I’ve also started watching “The United States of Tara” on Netflix which in a way, reminds me of that line from TS Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”..how many different ‘faces’ do we each put on throughout the day?

My dad used to say that the mark of a mature person is that though there will be slight variations of a person, based on whom they are interacting with, where they are (workplace, party, at home, etc)–ultimately. there will be an underlying consistency to the person as a whole….

So, with that somewhat weighty thought, I leave you with these sketches…(NB: this is the ‘female’ version of faces…the guys version will appear sometimes next week)

PS Coffee also features into TS Eliot’s poem…prolly another reason I love that poem